King K.L.


Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 2003 - King K.L. The Gospel of Mary of Magdala. Jesus and the first woman apostle [pdf]
  2. 2003 - King K.L. What is Gnosticism [pdf]
  3. 2007 - King K.L., Pagels E. Reading Judas. The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity [pdf]
  4. 2009 - King K.L. The Secret Revelation of John [pdf]


Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 2000 - Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism [pdf]

Участие в других работах

Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 1990 - The Nag Hammadi Library. The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume [pdf]
  2. 2000 - Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism [pdf]
  3. 2002 - Knjižnica Nag Hammadi. Evanđelje po Tomi, ostala gnostička Evanđelja i spisi pronađeni kod Nag hammadija [Тексты] [pdf]
  4. 2012 - Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature. Ideas and Practices [pdf]
  5. 2013 - Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World [pdf]
  6. 2017 - Die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften in der Literatur- und Theologiegeschichte des frühen Christentums [pdf]
  7. 2020 - Valentinianism. New Studies [pdf]

Библиотека / Журналы, конференции

  1. 2009 - The Codex Judas Papers. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex held at Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 13-16 2008 [pdf]

Об авторе

Библиотека / Статьи и комментарии

  1. 2010 - Коннер М. Голоса Гностицизма. Интервью с Карен Кинг [pdf]